Les Méthodes, framed photos, 100x160 cm, 2015
Les Méthodes serves as a visual microscope of how acts of violence are administered - and then comprehended through media. With an aesthetic and provocative use of imagery, the work softens and enhances the turmoil of governmental public execution around the globe. The countries represented in the work are countries that apply the death penalty in public. The photographs were originally taken either by a television cameraman, photojournalism or by a local witness who attended the execution and then posted it to the internet.
The executioners are present in the photographs while those accused are removed. The placement of each photograph reminds us a classification system to demonstrate familiarity in the subject matter. This serves as a means of allowing the viewer to focus on the contextual underpinnings of each photo while revealing a conundrum about our own desensitized visual interactions with such acts.