Watch the deer    , live video projection, 2014   The project is coming from a live streaming from a deercam accessible to all on the internet. Deercams are surveillance cameras used in wildlife reserves, mainly in the United States. They stage a

Watch the deer, live video projection, 2014

The project is coming from a live streaming from a deercam accessible to all on the internet. Deercams are surveillance cameras used in wildlife reserves, mainly in the United States. They stage a fix natural scenery, in which animals interact. They eat, run, live. This continuous stream is a contemplation of life and the passage of time. The space around the camera is maybe the place where drama will emerge. 

Watch the deer (extrait)

Capture d’écran 2014-02-01 à 21.14.16.png
Capture d’écran 2014-02-19 à 22.15.52.png
Capture d’écran 2014-02-02 à 14.10.41.png
    Watch the deer    , live video projection, 2014   The project is coming from a live streaming from a deercam accessible to all on the internet. Deercams are surveillance cameras used in wildlife reserves, mainly in the United States. They stage a
  Watch the deer (extrait)
Capture d’écran 2014-02-01 à 21.14.16.png
Capture d’écran 2014-02-19 à 22.15.52.png
Capture d’écran 2014-02-02 à 14.10.41.png

Watch the deer, live video projection, 2014

The project is coming from a live streaming from a deercam accessible to all on the internet. Deercams are surveillance cameras used in wildlife reserves, mainly in the United States. They stage a fix natural scenery, in which animals interact. They eat, run, live. This continuous stream is a contemplation of life and the passage of time. The space around the camera is maybe the place where drama will emerge. 

Watch the deer (extrait)

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